Six Tips You Need To Know When Doing Business on the Internet
DON’T LOSE YOUR HEAD WHILE DOING BUSINESS ONLINE- Six Ways to Avoid the Internet and Social Media Guillotine
Marie Antoinette was executed by guillotine on October 16, 1793. Because of her reputation with the French people, she probably would have lost her head a great deal sooner had there been internet back in her day.
As a lawyer who’s been practicing law longer than the Internet has been round, I’d like to share six Internet and social media business tips to help you avoid ending up like Marie Antoinette. Although some of my advice may require a bit of work and in some instances, even be a bit painful to implement, I can assure you that if you take the time to follow it, you’ll substantially reduce the chances of ever ending up in court facing a legal guillotine manned by a skilled trial lawyer representing the other side.
First of all, let’s get this fact out of the way. Doing business on the Internet is and will continue to be the future of business for many years to come. I’m a huge fan of using social media to build relationships and to connect with others. I’m even a bigger fan of all the benefits that I’ve enjoyed since I put up my first website in the 1990s and especially, the last couple of years while expanding my relationships and sphere of influence using social media. In fact, I invite you to connect with me on one or more of your favorite platforms here
Having said that, I think there are some basic legal steps that users of the Internet and social media should know if they truly desire to protect their legal rights and assets. In this book, I’m going to share my thoughts and solutions. I’ll also make a couple of recommendations about what tools and resources you may want to take a closer look at.
I hope you find this book useful. If so, please feel free to share it with your friends.